Thursday, September 20, 2007

So Smart

Untitled from jason.mccay on Vimeo.

So, I know everyone thinks their child is the smartest in the world (or in our case, children), but Walker really is pretty smart. He goes to Mother's Day Out one day a week and every week his teacher comments on how smart he is. Of course, we already knew that, but it is nice to have outside confirmation.

Here is video of me asking him some questions. Now, he has known what many of these animals say for a long time, but he refused to perform on camera. The book is his favorite truck book, he usually reads most of the words, but really wanted to read his new Halloween book from his Grammie. I do loose his attention in the middle, but the beginning of the video is pretty good. I apologize for my shooting abilities. I know no one wants to watch video of a book. I intend to get better at video editing, but one thing at a time. The more amazing part is that Eli was sitting off camera, quietly in his chair. A new development as well!

Disclaimer: All the moms I know have brilliant children as well. :)


Matt said...

So Smart! Could not stop smiling and laughing with this video...even though you might want to work on his obsession with the garbage truck :).

BlessedMom said...

So cute!! He sure is smart.

Anonymous said...

I see walk is smart enough to not mention auburn.