Saturday, July 19, 2008

Super Toddler Strength

Tiny Eli at Home from jason.mccay on Vimeo.

Eli has always been a strong kid. From the very beginning...see the precious video (so, maybe I just wanted an excuse to use the video, enjoy it just the same).

He never fails to amaze when we think, "surely he can't pick that up?" and then he does. Followed by the quick scramble before the inevitable drop, and hopefully not on his foot.

In other news, since our return from Disney I have tried to limit his pacifier use to only nap and bed time. Now, stay with me, I'm not switching stories. I promise it will all come together.

When he is in his crib he has about 5 pacifiers with him at any given time. During the night some of them always get shoved out through the slats and end up behind the crib.

So, at some point in the day I move the crib to collect the tossed pacifiers. Of course, Eli has seen me do this several (hundred) times.

Earlier this week, I was doing something in his room. I don't know, I had probably just changed a diaper (just a guess). He is playing happily in the room. Then, I guess he decided he needed a pacifier.

So, he moved the crib! I am not even kidding. He moved furniture. My 27 pound toddler moved the crib.

Of course it is just slightly ironic that he would use his super big-kid strength to get his tiny baby pacifier.

Shrinking Pacifier

Notice that his top lip hangs over the top of the pacifier. It doesn't even fit in his mouth anymore, but there is no way he is about to give it up.


Jenny G said...

That brought back some memories! Victoria didn't move her crib, but she would shimmy underneath it to retreive the 10 or so passys that would be back there every day!

Matt said...

When he rips off his shirt does he have a big S there....just checking. Might have a super hero on your hands. Eli mommy needs to clean under the couch...could come in handy one day. :) Football here we come!

Gillispie Blog said...

Dang you and that video, makes me want another one! He is so previous!