Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Colin hates shoes.  Like a lot.  But, he loves to run and play outside.  There in lies the mommy challenge.

I have stopped putting shoes on him before we leave home and just tuck them next to his car seat.  But a few minutes in the stroller and we are back at square one.

Birmingham Railroad Park

Victory (and really bright sun).
Birmingham Railroad Park

Walker didn't figure out how to take off socks until he was 3 and demanded to sleep in them every night.

Eli has never cared either way.  Although, recently he will get out of bed and tell us his toes are cold as a going to bed stalling technique.

Colin only needs about 45 seconds to get both socks and shoes off.  This kid has an opinion and a plan to make things happen.  I predict some cold winter toes or maybe some lace up boots.

Related: Anyone visiting EPCOT who happens to find a size 4/5 brown croc, let me know!

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