Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Baby is the Youngest One in the Room

We had the pleasure of having some playmates over last week.  Isaac, 2 years and Ava Grace, 8 months, came to play.

After a very short time I realized that my "baby" is less and less a baby.  Having an actual baby all day made Colin seem like such a big boy.

Well, except for this one thing.  Colin was fascinated with Ava Grace's pacifier.

He played the game of putting it in her mouth for a while, but then he gave it a try.  He decided she was on to something and every time I turned my back he would be walking off with it.

It was hilarious.  After a while I dug one out of the drawer, washed it, and handed him his very own pacifier.  Mostly, so he would just leave the poor girl alone, cause look at those eyes...the annoyance was coming.


He thought this was fantastic.  The whole day he was a pacifier baby.  It actually made the giganticness of him seem easier to deal with.  It was a one day thing, but boy was it funny. {I think the 2 teeth coming in added to the interest he had in the pacifier}

Here is a bit of video of the organized chaos of the day.

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