Thursday, March 24, 2011

Colin on Steroids

For some breathing trouble Colin was having last week he was prescribed a 5 day course of steroids. It did help him breath, and I am so grateful for the medical treatment available to my children.

But...he for sure had some side effects.  He was less than his normal happy self. I pray this was his last course of steroids, ever. Cause really, I'm fine with never seeing that particular personality again.

But...he did have a good side effect as well.  His eczema completely cleared up.  It is the first time I have seen his skin completely clear since he was a couple of months old.

I decided this was a perfect time for a photo session.  But, I neglected to consider the first side effect of the ornery personality.

Backyard 3.22.2011

Backyard 3.22.2011

Backyard 3.22.2011

I'll take it.
Backyard 3.22.2011

1 comment:

The Farmer Files said...

Ohhhh I have had these photo sessions! I hope he is better!