Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Living Out the TV Special

So, it is possible that we have watched the Disneyland special on Netflix a few too many times.  It is even possible that we occasionally YouTube Disneyland attractions.


Walker had to find the golden stake at the exact center of the park.
Disneyland Day 2

The long awaited submarine ride. Eli has wanted to ride this forever. It lived up to the expectations.
Disneyland Day 2

It's a small world, y'all.
Disneyland Day 2
With the line that waits outside and the train that runs over the top.

Walt Disney, Mickey, the Castle, pumpkins and Walker like an Egyptian.
Disneyland Day 4
Next time I think Samantha Brown should join us and we should make our own little special. "Disneyland as explored by busy little boys who always like transportation rides, who are sometimes afraid of characters, and sometimes like thrill rides, but sometimes just want an ice cream."

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