Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter 2012

This is not a deep, spiritual post.  This is the post about Easter outfits and dessert. Because really, look at the cute. And chocolate? I mean that is a given.

The Easter photo shoot, also known as the boys semi-annual hair combing, not that you can tell.

We went to the Easter service on Friday night.  This confused me as to what to do with the boys Easter outfits, so they just wore them all weekend to cover the bases. Any clarity on the rules would be appreciated.

Also, it is always a great idea to try and do the family photo shoot with the sunset blinding the children. {thick sarcasm}

Then you might get some jewels like this. "Safety"
Easter 2012

There was some mommy wrangling, but I don't believe that helped.
Easter 2012

Hey, all smiling a looking at the camera! I'll take it, head scratch and all.
Easter 2012

There were bubbles with cousins.
Easter 2012

Easter 2012

Oh, and there were Easter desserts. "Chocwhat" He approves.
Easter 2012

So exactly how many jelly beans are we calling a "serving"?  Because I've surely eaten enough for all of us.


Mrs. Butler said...

Oh, but the mommy-wrangling photo is the cutest!

Rachel said...

Clearly, your boys are adorable. I love their outfits!!

But you...are...GORGEOUS!!! What a fabulous picture!