Thursday, December 13, 2012

Santa 2012

We have made our annual trip to see Santa and look at our darling boys.

Santa 2012

Oh, what? Someone is missing?  Really?

I couldn't tell if it was a fear of the camera or of Santa, but C Mac was not getting in that photo.

Santa 2012

No matter how much brother tried to convince him it would be fine.

Santa 2012

No matter what candy or toys were promised, he would not move.

Santa 2012

So Walker and Eli shared their thoughts with Santa while little brother watched from afar.

Santa 2012

And then we tried to get a picture of all three boys near Santa, and well, that wasn't meant to be either.

Santa 2012

But Santa was visited and Chick-fil-a was eaten so Christmas traditions can continue forward. Ho, ho, ho.

And because it does a Momma heart good...

Santa 2011

2010 (so maybe Colin hasn't always exactly looooooved Santa)
Santa Visit 2010



Walker, Eli and Santa

2006 (well we had just seen Santa, but for some reason beyond my understanding I do not have a digital copy of this Santa pic.  Oh, the horror)
Walker as reindeer


Kristine said...

Look at that young Jason and little W! Love it :)

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

So Sweet! I hope you've had a wonderful Christmas!
