Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Lydia Turns 1

She is a big girl, and she thinks she is bigger than that.  She is every bit a toddler.

She walks or runs everywhere.  She wants down more than she wants to be held.  She wants to eat what the big kids are eating. She has found her (loud) voice and expresses how she feels.  She says; hi, da, ma (which is momma and milk), more,  all done (ah da), ohhhh, wow, uh oh, bath and she has sounds for all boys that are unique but are not quite relatable to their names.  She is pretty committed to her naps, but still request a visit from momma in the middle of the night.

Now those are the basics.  The general baby to toddler facts, but I only write those things because they are what I will forget.

I will never forget what she has done for this family.  Everyone in this house adores her.  She has reminded us all of a tender quiet kind of unconditional love.   She can do no wrong in the eyes of her brothers.  Walker, in particular, loves her and defends her like no other.

The first birthday celebration is more for the family than the kid, and this one was really no different.  But it is pretty special to be able to spend your first birthday in the "Happiest place on Earth" with the people who love you dearly.

(look, even Minnie is surprised by how many there are)

She is a happy little girl with a big laugh.  She will get into trouble in a minute if she is given the opportunity. She runs fastest when she thinks she can get into her big brothers' things.  She loves to sit down and read a book, two pages at a time, but really sitting in the lap is the best part.

She has reminded this momma of the grace and honor it is to mother.  She has reminded me of the simple but complete love of a snuggling babe and of how quickly the time is passing we have with our little ones.

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