Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Toddler Phrase of the Morning

Walker decided he was ready to go somewhere early this morning.

We are planning on going to the park, but it needs to warm up a bit.

He brought me my shoes and told me we need to "get ready to go."

I told him it was still too cool outside and we needed to wait for it to warm up.

Walker's Response : "The sun is shiny and it is warm outside. It's ridiculous. It is warm outside."

"It's ridiculous," is his new phrase. I'm not saying who, but someone in this house does use the word ridiculous and it isn't me, and it isn't the one who is limited to two-syllable words.

Nothing escapes Walker. What cracks me up the most is that he uses the phrase in the right situations. A little reminder to be very careful what we say around our little tape recorder.


momx2 said...

hahaha.I think Walker & Avery should be roommates someday. They are too much alike.

Melissa said...

Too funny! He is a smart little boy.

DisneyGran said...

Well when I got home Wednesday night, Walker handed me a Lego Catalog and said, "Grin, we have the perfect book for you to read. It's lots of fun." Then he proceeded to tell me that I couldn't look through it, because I had to leave it on the bulldozer.

The Keoughs said...

Riley started saying "that's discusting". big discussions on who says that.....but after three days of paying attention....i sure do say 'that's discusting' ALOT.