Thursday, January 14, 2010

New Yoga Pants

Haiti Donate Online

For Christmas my dad and Jayne gave me an American Express gift card. It is always one of my favorite gifts. I love being able to go out and buy things for myself without impacting the family budget. It wasn't difficult to come up with some ideas. A manicure, a Starbucks for no reason at all, new yoga pants (the mommy wardrobe), and so forth.

After hearing about the devastation in Haiti I really wanted to find a way to help. From most of what I have read it is important to give money right now to the organizations already on the ground. But...our budge is tight, we should be giving more in other places, it's not only my money to give, and a list of a million other never ending excuses came flowing in.

I got in the shower and felt God tugging at my heart (sometimes mommy's only quiet place). "You have money you don't need. You have money you can give without taking anything away from your family. You need to give." I know it is a small start and by no means where my giving should end, but it is a start.

I gave to Compassion. Robin did a great post on why they are a good choice for donations. Be listening.

1 comment:

Robin ~ PENSIEVE said...

This absolutely blesses my heart. Thank you...a lot.
