Thursday, April 5, 2012

Rainbow Zebra

So, we made this adorable little guy today.

Rainbow Zebra

The task was to paint a zebra by looking at a real picture and painting the lines in the directions they actually go on a zeba.  It was a wonderful fine motor activity.  Eli was willing to really work on holding the paint brush correctly, which he always fights with a pencil. It really turned into his project.

Rainbow Zebra
{Please don't mock my zebra outline.  These boys got a momma with an artist's heart, not the talent.}

When we finished the black stripes, Eli look at it and declared that it needed to be a rainbow zebra.  Sounded like an inspired moment to me, so all the paint colors came out.

Everyone participated. Colin loves to paint, but today he was being particularly inspired by earth tones (read: brown, dirt, etc.), so in protecting Eli's vision Colin was given his very own paper and steered away from muddying the zebra.

Eventually, even Walker was convinced to join in.

Rainbow Zebra

This is one of my favorite activities we have done this year.  It wasn't elaborate or even really planned out, but I know this is one I will remember forever. It was a long-ish project, that required patience and multiple steps.  We talked about animals, Africa, painting, colors, and everyone worked as a team.  All the projects have not gone this well. {HA, extreme understatement}

So, does anyone know how to frame giant pieces of oddly shaped cheap butcher paper? Because this can't be our permanent solution.
Rainbow Zebra

PS - This video is long and most likely boring to those who did not birth these people, but I big-puffy-heart-love watching videos from the years gone by on the blog.

1 comment:

Mrs. Butler said...

This is awesome!! And quite beautiful, actually! It's one of those that would look awesome to turn into notecards or something like they do at the schools sometimes for fundraisers (I'd buy some!). :) Not sure on how to frame it...I'm guessing it's too long for a poster frame? You may be able to get a decent price on framing at Hobby Lobby...depending on the width, you could always get it laminated at least.