Tuesday, May 1, 2012

5 days of Randoms

Phone snapshots to catch up...

Last Thursday we met Aunt Elaine for a burger and a rousing game of throw the rocks in the creek.  It was lovely.

Waterfall visiting. Sometimes it's nice for the loudness to come from nature and not us.

That night at the gym Walker hurt his foot.  It swelled and bruised pretty quick, so we were treated to doctor visits and x-rays on Friday.  No break, just a bad sprain and he is healing pretty quickly. {I figure pretty soon we will have x-rays of a little boy from top to bottom}

iPhone Dump 4.30.2012

Friday afternoon he told me his stomach hurt and then proceeded to throw up for 8 hours before finally finding some relief.  He is still recovering.  Lots of rest and tiny bites of food.  When a tummy trouble hits him, it is so hard for him to recover.

iPhone Dump 4.30.2012

{Ok, wives, hold onto your jealousy.} Jason cleaned the boys room from top to bottom.  We are talking sorting toys, rearranging furniture, hanging curtains (forthcoming), touching up paint, so you know - everything.  And then just to prove his amazing-ness he cleaned the van inside and out.  I'd rather not talk about how bad it had gotten, but the man deserves some praise.

iPhone Dump 4.30.2012

Eli and Colin were more than willing helpers with the van clean up, in their Sunday collared shirts. {sure, why not}

iPhone Dump 4.30.2012

I put together a cute outfit for Sunday.  I spent most of the service in the lobby with Walker in my lap, but I felt adorable anyway.

iPhone Dump 4.30.2012

On Sunday Eli, Colin and myself were able to have lunch with Aunt Elaine at Pops and Grandma Jayne's house one more time before she heads back to California. We should have taken pictures before it was painfully past nap time.

iPhone Dump 4.30.2012

Nothing too wild has happened over the past few days, but they have felt wild to me.  We are slowly getting our feet back under us and desperately grasping at our routine.


Rachel said...

Your poor little guy!! What a rough week!

And I do love your Sunday ensemble. Adorable!

Kristine said...

Super cute outfit!!! Love it!! And glad W is better this week :)