Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Monterey Bay Aquarium

For our last big excursion prior to our departure from California we made the trip down to Monterey Bay to visit their spectacular aquarium.

Eli touched every single thing in every single touch tank.  Such a little explorer, that one.
Monterey Bay Aquarium

It was penguin feeding time which was super neat.  Except for the penguin keepers were talking to the crowd and taking questions so there was a need for quite that some of us were not willing to give it.
Monterey Bay Aquarium

This was moments before we lost Colin.  Momma panicked like never before.  He was fine and enjoyed is personal tour with the aquarium employee, but I'm still recovering.

Monterey Bay Aquarium

The jellies are always most impressive with their back lighting and glow.  Of course this was shortly after the losing the child incident, and this exhibit is in almost complete darkness, so it was a bit stressful trying to keep hands on everyone. But we all made it out so - win.

Monterey Bay Aquarium

Monterey Bay Aquarium

Walker was fascinated by the fact that they just bump into each other.

Monterey Bay Aquarium

Monterey Bay Aquarium

Monterey Bay Aquarium

A lovely way to finish up our California Adventures for the summer of 2012, minus the losing of the child.

Also, the new jellyfish exhibit is in a crazy retro 70's theme, music included.  I present to you our boys as jellyfish tentacles.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Aw, memories! I haven't been there since I was 13.