Wednesday, December 5, 2012

School Days

We are slowly finding our school rhythm with these three busy boys, and even more shocking they are learning.  Occasionally we even have fun.

I want to keep some documentation of these days.  It can become a daily grind of checklist and plans, without noticing the highlights. I want to remember the highlights.

We met some friends at the science museum last week and had a blast.

Lovely morning at McWane with our buddies. Pretty soon we are going to have to make field trip reservations before they let our 2 families in at the same time. Ha! #instagrambham

Upon our arrival home they had to write about their favorite thing at the science museum.  Both of the boys decided their favorite thing was riding the zip line.  Walker had never done it in years past, but with a bit of maturity and a lot of friend induced bravery he gave it several rides. Mr. Cautious is growing up and taking risks.

1st Grade perspective:

Kindergarten perspective:

Clearly we could all use a lesson on writing the letter "Z" you know, not backwards.

There is no homework (well, technically I guess it is all homework), but the boys love sharing with Daddy what they have accomplished during the day.

School lunch with Daddy. No mystery meat or square pizza here.

Santa letters as part of school.  I did this in my classroom years ago, but I wasn't shopping for the items on the list as my students were writing.
Children writing letters to Santa. "Santa" researching prices as they write. #AreLegosMadeOfGold?

These little daily tasks are slowly adding up to this amazing growth and development that our little boys are having before my very eyes.  Thankful for the blessing of being here with them.


Kristine said...

Love this! Love that your heart is big enough to be both teacher & mom. That's so awesome!!! And Analise still mixes up d's & b's so a few backwards z's is to be expected!

taylor lane said...

I love this! What a darling family you have! Ps. Walker's assignment was good. I just expected to see a disclosure of how quantum physics kept the zip line in the air at the bottom of his assignment! :) Love yall so very much!