Sunday afternoon Jason made the amazing accomplishment of clearing out the garage and getting all the Christmas decorations out of the attic. That was intended to be the completion of the day's activities, but Walker had other ideas. He spotted the box with the Christmas train, and that was it. The train was going to go up Sunday night, no matter what.
First we told him we had to move our big chair to make room for the Christmas tree. So, he hauled a giant cushion to the play room/office.
Then, we told him we had to get the tree up first. So, he drug the top part of the tree through the garage into the kitchen. (I know, I know, fake tree; but it sure is nice that it takes all of 12 minutes to go from attic to lights on)
By now it was dinner time, so we told him he had to get a good dinner before we could put the train together. He promptly sat down at the table and started shouting, "Mommy, cook me a healthy dinner!"
I think if we had told him he had to rake the yard to put up the Christmas train, he would have figured out how to do it.
During this whole process Walker waffled between complete determination to get the job done, and extreme whiny toddler frustration that he was having to wait. It was pitiful and kind of funny all at the same time.