Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Krispy Kreme Field Trip

A few weeks ago I was at Publix with the boys (as we frequently are) and I noticed there was a preschool field trip getting a tour. I thought, "well my boys must really be ahead of the curve because they know this store inside and out."

Then I started to think about how many of the field trips that schools go on that are to food factories. I mean let's think; Bud's Best, Blue Bell, Golden Flake, and so forth.

One dreary morning I was trying to think of something indoors and simple to do with the boys. I saw the perfect opportunity to combine a donut run with a trip to a food factory. I mean they can learn all about a production line and get a sweet reward.

We were even able to meet up with some friends, Mrs. Kristine and Josiah. Big thanks to Kristine for remembering her camera and sharing pictures.

Donut Field Trip

I don't know that much learning happened other than me learning exactly how much Walker loves donuts, but it was a fun morning. Now Walker ask for donuts at least once a day. It is probably a good thing we don't live too close to Krispy Kreme.
Donut Field Trip

Donut Field Trip


Peter said...

Well, it'll tide them over until there is a Dunkin Donuts nearby, right?

dmbrown89 said...

Cherish this moment while you can because someday, well before you are ready for it, it will be over. That which you are used to will be gone and life will never be the same. This realization is first noticed when you have a craving, but the closest Krispy Kreme is a 45 minute train ride to Tokyo.

The boys look happy, too.