Monday, November 15, 2010

Making the Most of the Weekend

We had 2 birthday parties, Walker's first camp out, a baby shower, a spend the night with Pops and Grandma Jayne, and church.  All with Daddy out of town.

Riding bikes with Pops and Grandma Jayne.
Bike Riding at Pops and Grandma Jayne's

I actually prefer the time that Jason is away to be super busy.  Sure it is crazy, but I like the distractions.

As evidence by the fact that the boys spent the night away Saturday night and I spent the night painting.

It is so nice to be able to complete a project from start to finish with no distractions.  Now, that is a treat.

This is Jason's new office space.
And also, War Eagle. One day people will be hanging pictures of Cam Newton in their houses.

Go Bo.

So glad to have Daddy home for a few days.  We aren't always so productive while he is away, but it is great when everything works out this way.

Sort of related, but not really.
Shades of the future.

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