Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I Just Can't Stop Loving You

Let's face it, Eli is cute.  This is clear.  And he is not afraid to weld this to his advantage every. single. night.

He does not care for the going to bed and uses every excuse he can come up with to delay the pain of going to sleep (oh please someone subject me to the pain of going to bed, really please).

He fake cries and when he starts laughing, he keeps trying to cry-laugh. It is endearing and maddening all at the same time.

It is hard to remain the stern faced parent once he starts all this, and boy does he know when we have turned the corner and started giggling.

For your pleasure, 2 minutes after being tucked in:

Also, his new thing is to say, "I just can't stop loving you." Which is so sweet and so perfectly him.

But - it is so hard not to laugh, because all I can think about is Michael Jackson when he says his little catch phrase.

So Eli's advice for delaying the inevitable: Cry until you gain sympathy; laugh like everyone is having a good time; and most of all use an 80's love song tag line to OWN YOUR PARENTS.
{Well not really own, but every minute out of the bed is a victory!}

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