Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Everyday I look forward to my 20 minutes of peace.

Eli naps in our bed and I snuggle with him until he drifts off.  It is 20 minutes of sweet whispers with my newly 4 year old.  And, equally important, 20 minutes of stillness for me.  No cleaning, cooking, reading, wiping, washing.  Just quietness.

Rest time buddies.

Most days the my quiet time draws to a close when I hear Walker stirring.  He has to stay in his room for an hour (trust me, he needs the quietness as well), but he shakes and rattles and turns pages while in his quiet time.  This usually sounds as my alarm and I get up and use my 40 minutes to get some things done kid-free.

This week as been crazy busy, with little sleep and lots of late nights working things out.  Walker gave us both a little break this afternoon.  Without his stirring my 20 minutes turned into a nice little nap.

The 5 year old @3pm. Any guesses as to what he is NOT doing @9pm?

I woke up in one of those what time is it? What day day is it? Kind of stupors, but it was so worth it.  I know my days of having times like this are few, so I enjoyed every minute.  The kids are getting older and we usually cover some of our school during the littlest one's nap time, but for today we all took a break of restoration.

So thankful the Lord gave us this little rest, we all so clearly needed.

1 comment:

The Farmer Files said...

Rest. A gift when we accept it. I know....nap times are fleeting around here, too.