Monday, May 12, 2008

Visiting Grandma and Grandpa Hermie

Last week the boys and I loaded up and headed to Atlanta to visit my grandparents for a few days. They will be moving out of the house they have lived in for over 35 years in just a couple of short months. I really wanted the boys to get a visit in before they moved.

Visiting this home holds so many fond memories for me. Just about every school break was spent there. There was always so much to do: wind the grandfather clock; play records on the giant record player (The Sound of Music); climb inside the coffee table; get out the art supplies hidden in the end table; climb the banister; throw all sorts of objects down the laundry shoot; play a myriad of board games (but mostly Scrabble); throw the 'grenades' the magnolia tree dropped in the front yard; swim in the neighbors' pool; go get TCBY after watching "Vanna" (Wheel of Fortune); walk to the local Chinese restaurant; and even spend exhausting days at Six Flags and White Water.

My brother and I grew up at Grandma and Grandpa Hermie's house as much as we grew up anywhere else. Jason stayed there for a while working in Atlanta. I lived there for a few months before we were married. My grandparents moved to this house during my mom's senior year of high school, so she did live there some as well. Now, even my boys have spent the night.

Of course the best part of the trip was spending time with my grandparents. The boys had a blast and were so well behaved.

After the trip over on Sunday, the boys woke up ready to play. Grandma made a few phone calls and we headed out to a wonderful area park. (Helena locals, think Joe Tucker times 10)

Trip to ATL

Trip to ATL

Trip to ATL

Trip to ATL

The red van and yellow jeep were purchased for me during a visit when Atlanta had a snowstorm (for longtime readers, these are the "snew on daddy's car" snowstorm toys).

Trip to ATL

Trip to ATL

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